it is an idea that holds the mind. - Elly Roselle
Élan is born of a belief. A belief that there are people, albeit a few, who seek something beyond the ordinary. Exceptional experiences, acquisitions and even access that is denied to the vast majority of people. Adventures that are distinctive, not only in the level of luxury that they offer but also in the passion and emotion that goes into crafting them. Learning experiences, in the most positive sense.
Élan offers just that; unique, unmatched experiences and access at a level previously thought impossible.
Life. Less ordinary.
Whether it's exploring extreme levels of indulgence, hedonistic experiences, impossible-to-get collector's items or access to the most exclusive events, we're about two very simple things: taking that extra step and taking it in a direction never perceived before.
For a patron with a lifelong fascination for the silver screen, we arranged a dinner-for-two with his childhood hero, the Oscar winning actor Al Pacino.
For a few more business-minded individuals we organized access to a networking event for a few select people with Richard Branson on his private island.
And for a patron whose passions leaned more to the tangible side, we procured a one-of-a-kind Patek Philippe wristwatch.

And Élan hasn’t stopped there. We’ve moved into every aspect of what constitutes a life well lived and a world well seen.
From access to events like Wimbledon and the Oscars to submarining in search of WWII shipwrecks; from driving iconic cars to a private dinner party at the North Pole, to planning and executing a mock invasion of a country, complete with territories, combatants, helicopters, hostages, et al., Élan puts together experiences that are seemingly unimaginable.
Access. Experiences. Acquisitions. Wellness. Exploration. We're redefining frontiers in every way you can imagine.
Believe that clothes make the man? We’ll get your wardrobe outfitted by the man who tailors James Bond.
Want intellectual stimulation? We’ll get you a game of chess against a World Champion.
Like your tipple?
We’ll get you tips on single malt whiskey from an ex-Royal Butler.
We love them.

Whether it's about the moments and experiences you've always dreamt of, or whether it's the joy of discovery through something we've created that's never been done before, what we're truly out to do is bridge the gulf between rare and unique. We're about bringing you enrichment; those perfect moments. The ones that prove that you’ve truly lived.
We believe that creating a richer life becomes possible when you do the things you want in the
ways that define you.
When you do them with style and flair.
When you do them with Élan.
sniff when

No opportunity too small.
What qualifies us to lead something as elite as Élan?
A passion for adventures of the soul.
An appreciation of things that aren't just rare, but unique.
A desire to go beyond providing experiences and memories to evoking feelings and leaving lasting impressions.
Who are we? We’re the people who provide experiences to a few people that most people can't dream of.
Niraj Jain
Brings with him:
As a founder of Élan, Niraj has channeled the fruits of his wanderlust into creating a lifestyle management service.
He explored several other arenas before Élan, working in one of the world's top advertising companies, trading in commodities and managing a real estate development project.
On his advent into the lifestyle and travel space, he quickly carved out a niche for himself, garnering recognition from the world's top companies and accolades from his UHNI patrons.
A consummate globe trotter, Niraj has visited over 130 cities in more than 50 countries, a hobby that brings him tremendous insight and experience, and equips him to chart new courses for Élan.
Leaves behind:
All things ordinary.Yashesh Shethia
Brings with him:
Yashesh brings with him 30 years of experience, working with luxury hospitality brands for events and outreach. He has worked with leading agencies and also as an independent consultant.
Prior to getting involved with Élan full time, he was senior VP at Adfactors PR, where he led an award-winning team that worked largely with governments in multi-dimensional aspects.
He has also been part of the senior management team at chlorophyll, a leading brand consultancy agency in India.
He is on the governing council of RIIDL, the innovation lab at Somaiya Vidyavihar University.
Being a serious hobbyist photographer, DJ, bartender, sound engineer and playing in a band is what gives Yashesh his varied and eclectic repertoire.